Loving words are like seeds
Activity code A000217
Project 100 day food programme
Volunteer k.krishnarao
Need struggling hard to get food
Beneficiaries p.suryanarayana(hiv patient)
Laasa’s support provided food provisions
Location mobagam village, Srikakulam.
Service does not mean helping with hands alone. Talk softly and sweetly. Speak good words. That is also a form of service.Never use harsh words you cannot always oblige but you can speak always obligingly. Bodily wounds can be cured by the use of medicines. But the wounds inflicted by the tongue can never be healed. cultivate love and talk with love never use harsh words even when u appeared to be angry. speak lovingly You too will become divine when you cultivate such divine love.
Our volunteer Mr.koonanaKrishna raowonderfull soft loving speaker we acquired the details of needy p.suryanarayan(hiv patent) at mobagam village Srikakulam. This patient is passing hard time and his family was in great need of food.
As a result of our volunteer loving words we the laasa provided food provisions under 100 day food programme project to this needy family. Loving words are like seeds, they were the tree of service come out and gift us the fruits of self satisfication an joy.