Today’s generation is tomorrow’s creation
Activity code A000220
Project Educational assistance
Volunteers L.RAJNI &govindarajulu
Beneficiaries b. Santosh kumar(poor and meritorious btech student)
Need In great need of paying exam fee
Laasa’s support provided educational assistance by paying exam fee.
Srikakulam Srikakulam, ap.
Seeing a person in distress and verbally expressing sympathy is not compassion. Compassion must express itself in action to relieve the suffering. Nor should you adopt an attitude of aloofness or indifference on the plea that each one is suffering for his or her folly.
To render an action with compassion our volunteers l. rajini& s. govindarajulu have come forward to extend the support of laasa to a poor and meritorious student d. Santosh kumar who is pursuing his btech graduation at andhrauniversity ., he is unable to pay his college and exam fee. As his father working as labour worker in textile shop.
Laasaprovided educational assistance to this needy student our motto is to promote meritorious student who are economically backward . laasa is a master in the way of providing scope to learn and study. As we feel that today’s generation is tomorrow’s creation.