Code : A000426
Project : Basic Needs Assistance
Volunteer : Bongu Ramesh
Beneficiaries : 20 families
Need : In dire need for some basic needs to get saved from this winter
Location : Garabanda, Odisha
“All the five elements have been created by the will of the Supreme. They must be used with reverential care and vigilant discrimination. Reckless use of any of them will only rebound on you with tremendous harm. Nature outside must be handled with discretion, caution and awe. It is the same with our inner ‘nature’ and internal instruments too! Of these, two are capable of vast harm – the tongue and one’s lust. Since lust is aroused and inflamed by the food consumed and the drink taken in, the tongue needs greater attention. While your eye, ear and nose have single uses, the tongue makes itself available for two purposes: to judge taste and to utter word – symbols of communication. You must control the tongue with double care, since it can harm you in two ways. Patanjali, (The author of Yoga Sutras) has declared that when tongue is conquered, victory is yours!.”
LAASA salutes its volunteer Bongu Ramesh who has explained the meaning and the inner essence of all the vedas by identifying needy people – 20 families who are the residents of Garabanda, Odisha who are leading their lives by begging. LAASA has committed to extend hand by providing the necessary Food & Nutrition (Including 100 Day Food Programme) that would help them to provide food for 100 days.
The basic essence of all the Vedas is to serve the needful with purity at heart with unity. As always LAASA is to Love all and Serve All to infinity and beyond.