Code: A000699
Project: Food & Nutrition Assistance
Volunteer: Mirthipati Sivaprasad
Beneficiaries: Rayalavari Kanya kumari
Need: A poor family need Food & Nutrition Assistance
Location: Kakiveedhi, Srikakulam

There’s a link between helping others and finding meaning in your life. And it’s not just those who have already found purpose giving back. Instead, helping others can actually CREATE a sense of meaning in our lives. Helping others fulfills some of our most basic needs such as connecting with others and seeing how your actions make a positive difference. Those are the areas that help define a meaningful life. We LAASA rendered Food & Nutrition assistance service project through our volunteer Mr. Mirthipati Sivaprasad
Rayalavari Kanya kumari age-45, living in Kaki street Srikakulam along with her kidney patient mother and with daughters and son. This family is very poor and not having source to get even food. These people are highly deserving and very eager to have some support of food assistance. We LAASA provided food& nutrition assistance project to this needy family.
A meaningful life isn’t found but created through our actions. And it starts with looking for ways to help others. Every man’s primary aim should be to devote himself to selfless activities. Man has been endowed with the human body for rendering service to others.