CODE: A000937

PROJECT : Food & Nutrition Assistance

BENEFICIARY NAME : Gannavarapu Syam Sundar Rao

VOLUNTEER NAME : Jami Rama Charan

LOCATION : Palasa 

SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Food Support To Kidney Failure Patient

Gannavarapu Syam Sundar Rao Is A Kidney Failure Patient Living In Palasa. His Wife Krishnakumari Asma Patient Works In A Kaju Factory As Daily Wage Labour. They Have A Daughter Kalpana Age-21 Who Is Deff. This Needy Family Is In Great Difficulties. We LAASA to provided Food support to this Kidney Failure Patient under LAASA Food & Nutrition Assistance service project. This activity is proposed by LAASA Volunteer JAMI RAMA CHARAN.

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