A000184 – A Hero Can Be Anyone.

A Hero Can Be Anyone. Code : A00184 Project : Basic Needs Assistance Volunteer : Mr. Lolugu Satyam Need : Some support to 10 families who lost everything in a fire spree. LAASA’s Solution : Basic Needs Assistance Beneficiaries : 10 Families Location : Dallipeta Village, Srikakulam Dist. A man lives for himself. He thinks and acts to make his own self secure, comfortable and happy. His natural instinct of self-preservation makes him be

A000168- Love of ocean

Love of ocean Activity code : A00168 Project : Basic Needs Assistance Volunteers :RATNA KAVYA Need : A poor fire accident victim family. LAASA’s assistance : Provided food and basic needs. Beneficiaries : Hyma Rao and his family Location : Kosta, Srikakulam Dist. Whatever happens, however critical the situation, one has to discharge fully and correctly the duty laid upon one. Whatever the enormity of the calamity that threatens, one should not bu...

A000159- Reflection of selfless love

Reflection of selfless love Activity code : A000159 Project : Basic Needs Assistance Volunteers : .ThrinadhaRao, K.Simhachalam and V.Nagaraju Need : Two poor and old needy ladies. LAASA’s assistance : Provided basic needs-blankets, rice and food provision. Beneficiaries : M.Kannamma(63) and Narayanamma(80) Location : Srikakulam In ancient days, there was immense mutual love and regard between the rulers and the people. Today such relations do not e

A000157- To be the example of

To be the example of Activity code : A00157 Project : Basic Needs Assistance Volunteers : M.Dilliswara Rao Need : A poor and old lady leading life in a darken house. LAASA’s assistance : Provided assistance by arranging power supply. Beneficiaries : V.Appalanarasamma Location : Pathapatnam, Srikakulam Dist. Character is supreme. Behavior is born of character; if your character is good, so would be your behavior. The welfare of a country depends on

A000156 – What we are

What we are Activity code : A000156 Project : Basic Needs Assistance Volunteers : S.Govinda Rajulu, B.Venkata Rao and M.Thriveni Need : A spinal cord broken patient. LAASA’s assistance : Provided cot to the patient. Beneficiaries : A.Ganesh Location : Ampolu village, Srikakulam Dist. Man’s destiny is to return to his source and merge into that source. To be born as a human being is a great fortune. For, man alone can attain the status of the Divi...

A000155 – The true bless

Activity code : A000155 Project : Basic Needs Assistance Volunteers : Kalivarapu Prasad Need : A poor old man who suffered due to electric shock. LAASA’s assistance : Provided Basic Needs like walking stand, repair of cot, etc. Beneficiaries : Thambayya Location : Neelakanteswara Temple, Pathapatnam, Srikakulam Dist. In this world you see many names and forms. Does it mean they are all different from each other? No. All are one. It is only Divinity

A000142 – Good deeds-God deeds

Code : A00142 Project : Basic Needs Assistance Volunteer : Mr.Kalivarapu Prasad Need : A poor and needy paralysis patient LAASA’s Solution : Provided flexible cot and medicine Beneficiaries : PogiriSaraswati Location : Kotagudi Colony, Pathapatnam Village, Srikakulam Dist. Offerings that are made with no defilement of egoism are gladly accepted by the Lord.God should be touched and moved by your devotion to him in order to respond to your love. This

A000130- A designer life – Provided 33 pairs of chappal to 33 leprosy people at Srikakulam by our volunteer P.S.Rama Rao

He, who is ever ready to sacrifice his comfort for helping another, is a genuine devotee. Always remember that tyaga (sacrifice) is the highest and best form of spiritual practice. You have to sacrifice your time, money resources and energy. Seva (selfless service) can be identified by two basic characteristics – compassion and willingness to sacrifice. One’s heart really fills with joy when he engages with hardy toil and sacrifices his personal comforts i

A000098- Showered love and compassion upon the earthquake victims of Nepal – Provided basic need material such as food and medicine and more to victims of earthquake affected areas in Nepal through our volunteer Miss Anjali Bhattarai and team

The spontaneous response from the bottom of the heart can be called as true service. It needs no motivation, just needed love intention. This is proved by the volunteers of LAASA foundation. Several volunteers have showered the love and compassion upon the earthquake victims of Nepal. The splendid hearts had spread the fragrance of mercy. A single message by our LAASA has gathered the blossomed hearts together, as a bunch we could be able to serve the need

A000097- Immense Support – Provided Mineral water plant toBeharaManovikasaKendram, Srikakulam Dist. by LAASA foundation benefiting 65 mentally challenged children

Mind - the magical element of creation of god. It remembers many things which are useful for us, it forgets some things which are boon for us, it generates intelligence, it possesses discrimination and many. The mental ability is the only unseen force which leads this body. It is the inventor, ruler and creator. If it works, we will have value of living. If it doesn’t work in a proper way, really it is a challenge of living. Normally, to take care of two