A000261-2 Unity among the humanity

Unity among the humanity Code:A000261 Project:Basic Needs Assistance Volunteer:Kalivarapu Prasad and team Need:Need of gas stove and cylinder at Navajeevan Trust LAASA’s Solution:Provided basic needs assistance Beneficiaries:30 dumb and deaf children at Navajeevan Trust Location:Pathapatnam, Srikakulam Dist., AP. The human being is born to render selfless service and not to indulge in selfishness. Selfless service alone can achieve unity of humanki

A000256- Duty of every individual is to render selfless service

Duty of every individual is to render selfless service Code:A000256 Project:Basic Needs Assistance Volunteer:Gundabala Mohan and KuruhuruPavani Need:110 poor students without chappal LAASA’s Solution:Provided basic needs assistance Beneficiaries:Students of Mandal Parishad Upper Priamary School Location:Peddapadu village, Srikakulam Dist., AP. The first step is to understand the link that connects any two individuals. It is nothing but Love. It is

A000252- Act up to the motto “Love all and serve all”

Act up to the motto “Love all and serve all”Code:A000252Project:Basic Needs AssistanceVolunteer:V.V.L.NarasammaNeed:A poor and needy familyLAASA’s Solution:Provided basic needs assistanceBeneficiaries:V.SarojaYamini and familyLocation:GudiVeedhi, Srikakulam Dist., AP.God can be known only by experience and not by experiments. Sadhana(spiritual discipline) is needed for this purpose. Human beings who are engaged in exploring

A000234- Our Search will never end

Our Search will never endActivity code A000234Project basic need assistancesVolunteer Gupta .kvsnNeed as all their belongings were brunt need of a cot and a shelling fanBeneficiaries M.laxmana rao, M.laxmi and their 2 children ( a poor fisherman)Laasa’s support provided basic needsLocation kalingapatnam, srikakulam, ap.By rendering service to society, not only can you alleviate the sufferings of the people, but you can also ...

A000230- Base is love

Base is love Activity code A000230 Project basic needs assistance Need great need for blankets Beneficiaries 25 needy leprocy patients Laasa’s support provided blankets Location vishakapatnam Whatever you do as service, to whomsoever you offer the act, believe that it reaches the God in that person In order to deserve the sacred name “sevā” (selfless service), the activity must be freed from all attachment to the self and based on firm faith in the

A000221- Gratitude to divine

Gratitude to divine Acivity code A000221 Project basic needs assistance Volunteers B.lakshminarayana,k.rapuravi,g.sathyanarayana. Need despite need even for thin sheet shelther Beneficiaries sayadabdual & sayid kadhar dhee (poor tailor and his deaf daughter) Laasa’s support provided support for construction of a shelther Location praharaj palem, pathapatnam, Srikakulam. The human being is deriving innumerable debts from Nature and enjoying the


NEEDY IS THE GOD Activity A000212 Project Basic needs assistance Volunteers v.malleswarao& G. ramarao Beneficiaries 6 fire accidents victimied families Need 6 houses were burnt andneeded vessels for cooking and tarpalenes for living Laasa’s support provided vessels andtarpalenes Location thandyalapeta village, garamandal, Srikakulam(district) Describing is the highest gift given by the god to the humanity the purity is the key to unlock this di

A000207 – Sharing sweet love.

Sharing sweet love. Code : A000207 Project : Basic Needs Assistance Volunteer : Potnuru Ganeswararao Need : 8 poor and needy people LAASA’s Solution : Distributed new clothes Beneficiaries : 8 poor and needy persons Location : Vamaravilli Village, Kalingapatnam, Srikakualam Dist. Seva(selfless service) can be identified by means of two basic characteristics: compassion and willingness to sacrifice. There are many who come forward when

A000204- Every selfless deed is a flower

Every selfless deed is a flower Code : A000204 Project : Basic Needs Assistance Volunteer : Kongarapu Simhachalam and team Need : Needy Children and Servants of Behara Manovikas Kendram LAASA’s Solution : Provided blankets to 40 children and new clothes to 10 servants Beneficiaries : 40 children and 10 servants of Behara Manovikas Kendram Location : Behara Manovikas Kendram, Srikakulam Sevā (selfless service) is the adoration of the L

A000199- Seek The Light – Know the Truth

Seek The Light – Know the TruthCode : A000199 Project: Basic Needs Assistance Volunteer: MuddadaBalaraju Need: Require basic needs aid LAASA’s Solution: Provide the Basic needs like water containers and other household vessels Beneficiaries:5 fire accident victim families Location: Simmapeta Village, Srikakulam Dist.“The life principle (Jeevathathwa) is like the grain covered in the husk of delusion (Maya), as that rice is enveloped in the pa...