CODE: A000749PROJECT : Educational AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : VysyaRaju Goutham RajuVOLUNTEER NAME : Kinthali tulasiDasLOCATION : Ralli Veedi, SruikakulamSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Education Support To Poor KidVyashya Rajju Goutham Raju Age 5 Years is a Resistant Of Ralli Veddi Srikakulam, Father expires, Mother Vyashya Raju sravanthi is a daily wage labour. There are very poor this boy needs our support For His study. We LAASA to provided education suppor
CODE: A000748PROJECT : Educational AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : Donkada Nikhil Sai ChandVOLUNTEER NAME : Labala Dileep KumarLOCATION : Sana Veedhi, SrikakulamSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Education Support To Deserving StudentDonakada nikhil sai chand age 21y is a resident of sana veedhi,srikakulam. He is studying btech Mechanical final year. He is meritorious and economically backward student he has no father as his mother a patient she is unable to work and e
CODE: A000735PROJECT : Educational AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : Rana RiharikaVOLUNTEER NAME : Kolkatta NeelayaLOCATION : Srikurmam, Chintuvalasa,SrikakulamSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Education Support To Meritorious StudentRana Riharika age 15y is a resident of srikurmam, Chintuvalasa,srikakulam. She completed her 10th with 10 out of 10 she is Educationally bright and Economically back ward student, her family Financial conditions is very low to meet the inte
CODE: A000729PROJECT : Educational AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : Palavalasa Sirisha, Plavalasa DeviVOLUNTEER NAME : Palavalasa Sridhar NaiduLOCATION : Kottisa village, srikakulamSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Education Support To Deserving StudentsPalavalasa sirisha, palavalasa devi is a resident of kottisa village srikakulam. P.sirisha is studying 2nd year BA , P.Devi is Studying 1st year intermediate her mother is a blind person her father is working as a daily
CODE: A000726PROJECT : Educational AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : Polipalli krishnaVOLUNTEER NAME : MM KamalpashaLOCATION : VishakapatnamSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Education Support To Meritorious StudentPolipalli krishna age 23 years is resident of vishakapatnam. His father age 55y working as a dry Cleaner her elder sister santoshi is born blind studying MA politics and appeared for final exams. He is also blind and completed BA,BED and appeared for MED first
CODE: A000719PROJECT : Educational AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : Sasanapuri Sai KrishnaVOLUNTEER NAME : Jami MadhusudanaRaoLOCATION : Kaki Street, SrikakulamSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Education Support To Very Deserving Studentseasanapuri saikrishna age 21 is a resident of kakistreet, srikakulam. He is studying his msc bio Science issue second year at sri satya sai institutue of higher learning at prasanthi nilyam campus, puttaparthi. His father sesanapuri ja
CODE: A000708 PROJECT : Educational AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : Peluru jagadeesh & Bompada sai likhilVOLUNTEER NAME : Maheswari DusiLOCATION : Arasavilli, SrikakulamSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Education Support To Meritorious Studentspeluru jagadeesh age 25 is a resident of arasavilli srikaulam & bompada sai likhil age 17 is a resident of APHB colony Srikakulam.Peluru jagadeesh has completed his B tech and now appearing f...
Code: A000691
Project: Educational Assistance
Volunteer: Peluru Jagadeesh
Beneficiaries: Raghu sura
Need: A poor student need educational assistance
Location: Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
Title: Decorate this world
One of the greatest things you can do to help others is not just to share and give what you have, but to help them discover what they have within themselves to help themselves. We LAASA rendered educational assistance service project throug
Code : A000685
Project : Educational Assistance
Volunteer : Maddu Laxmi Narayana
Beneficiaries: Tangudu.Karthik
Need : A poor student need educational assistance
Location : Narsipuram
Title : Reach the destiny of spirituality
Everyone should feel grateful to the supreme personality of godhead because he is maintain all living entities and supply all their necessities .There is no way to express our gratitude but to pray with folded hands. Pray for t
Code : A000682
Project: Educational Assistance
Volunteer: Vedanabhatla C S Suvarchala
Beneficiaries: S Monica mythreyi
Need: A poor student need educational assistance
Location: Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
Title: Love the poor
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are character can be designed only with the top class personality