
CODE: A000712 PROJECT : Food & Nutrition AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : Karra Visalakshi & Karra Rajya LakshmiVOLUNTEER  NAME : Shavukara VailuntaRaoLOCATION : Housing Board Colony, SrikakulamSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Food Support To Old OrphansA poor and needy person name Karra.Visalakshi, age:80 years and Karra.Rajya Lakshmi, age:35 years living at Housing Board Colony, Srikakulam. These two persons are widows. Visalakshi daughter in law Rajya Laksh


CODE: A000711 PROJECT : Food & Nutrition AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : Nallana KrishnaveniVOLUNTEER  NAME : Durga SreenivasaRaoLOCATION : APHB Colony, Opp. z.p., sklmSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Food Support To Old Orphannallana krishnaveni, age 61 years is living In APHB Colony, Opp. Z.P., SKLM. She has no one to take care. she is suffering from spinal cord problem. she is leading life miserably even to get proper food.we LAASA provided food Support under


CODE: A000709 PROJECT : Food & Nutrition AssistanceBENEFICIARY NAME : Padhatherdhapu lakshmipathi, Bhaskar BarikoVOLUNTEER  NAME : Sada Siva PradhanLOCATION : Sekharapuram, Chapara, SrikakulamSUPPORT : LAASA Provided Food Support To 2 Deserving Familiespadhatherdhapu lakshmipathi Age 50 is a resident of sekharapuram, charapa, Sklm. He is suffering from paralysis stoke where hand and eye are effected there are 5 family members who are in desperate need

A000702 – Love Is A One-Way Street

Code : A000702 Project : Food & Nutrition Assistance Volunteer : IPPILI MURALI KRISHNA  Beneficiaries : Paruru Chinnammadu,Korukonda Ramanamma Support : A poor woman’s need Food & nutrition support Location : Bontalakuduru Vilage, Srikakulam "Love is a one-way street.  It always moves away from self in the direction of the other.  Love is the ultimate gift of ourselves to others.  When we stop giving we stop loving, when we stop

A000701 – Love Is The Universal Sadhana

Project: Food & Nutrition AssistanceVolunteer: KALLEPALLI RAMESHBeneficiary: kallepalli venkatataoSupport: A poor family need food & Nutrition Supportkallepalli venkatarao age 82 is a resident of puppala street, Srikakulam HE IS LIVING ALONG WITH HIS WIFE. HE IS UNABLE TO WORK in his Old Age. he is struggling hard even to earn food LAASA foundation provided food provisions under LAASA Food & Nutrition assistance service project to this most des

A000700-Discover your gift

Code: A000700 Project: Food & Nutrition Assistance Volunteer: Ruppa Ramana Murthy Beneficiaries: Neelapu Ammanna And other 5 Need: A poor & Needy families need Food & Nutrition Assistance Location: Sanivada Village , Srikakulam Title: Discover your gift The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to put it the meaning of life is to give your gift away Each and every one of us within our own hearts has unlimited trem

A000699-Meaningful Life

Code: A000699 Project: Food & Nutrition Assistance Volunteer: Mirthipati Sivaprasad Beneficiaries: Rayalavari Kanya kumari Need: A poor family need Food & Nutrition Assistance Location: Kakiveedhi, SrikakulamThere’s a link between helping others and finding meaning in your life. And it’s not just those who have already found purpose giving back. Instead, helping others can actually CREATE a sense of meaning in our lives. Helping others ful

A000698-Give to the world

Code: A000698 Project: Food & Nutrition Assistance Volunteer: Loddi Venkata Lakshmi Beneficiaries: Korada Kalavathi & 4 other Need: Poor families in need for Food & Nutrition Assistance Location: Kella Street, Srikakulam If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives... be kind anyway! If you are honest, people may cheat you... be honest anyway! If your kind and happiness make people jealous of you... Be happy anyways... the

A000697-Do Good

Code: A000697 Project: Food & Nutrition Assistance Volunteer: Kilari Srinivasa Rao Beneficiaries: Ch. Kiranmayee Need: A poor woman in need for Food & Nutrition Assistance Location: Panduranga street , Kella street, Srikakulam Title: Do good Not everyone can afford to be and do good to each other, but you can afford. Give credit and add value to yourself because it will help others. Do not care about whether the intention and good behavior y

A000696-Good Life

Code: A000696 Project: Food & Nutrition Assistance Volunteer: Peddina Umamaheswara Rao Beneficiaries: Simhadri Krishna Need: A poor man need Food & Nutrition Assisatnce Location: Voppangi Title: Good life Like so many things in life, happiness is a matter of perspective. When you are feeling anxious, or even a little depressed, it's easy to get caught up in your own emotions... First, helping others gives us a shot of happiness – most of us