Compassion-the inherent human quality can be called as the humanity. In certain times, we shut tears in looking at a suffering person. There is a beautiful story about how we should feel while rendering a help to needy.
There was a sage walking on the bank of a pond, observed a group of crazy boys who were shouting at and making fun of a little calf. The calf was unable to come out of that muddy way from the pond. As it was falling and getting up again and again…..this scene became an entertainment for this boys. The sage immediately got into the pond and lifted the calf out from that muddy way. The boys questioned the sage, “Oh dear saint! Does that calf ask you to save? Why did you do so?” The answer of the sage is really a true guidance for all of us
Sage’s answer:
“Dear children! As I have seen the sorrow of the calf, my mind felt a lot. I have just tried to give comfort to mind by taking out that calf from the muddy pond. I think that, I did not do any help to that calf. Just I comforted my mind.”
This is something what we have to learn. We should try to comfort ourselves first and get self-satisfaction while doing any selfless help to needy.
Our volunteer Mr.Hemanthkumar.S has identified a physically challenged lady living with her 2 children a Chennai. The pathetic condition of this lady Mrs.Jayanti has moved our beloved volunteer. This poor lady is straining hard to just fill the bellies by working on sewing machine even with her physical disability. Our volunteer wanted to support her permanently and tried hard to purchase a costliest electrical sewing machine which could provide a permanent livelihood to this needy family.
LAASA supported with a loving hand and with a great serving heart of the volunteer. We are able to show a permanent way to this poor lady.
Love and language have no barriers. We can reach or can be the memory in any heart. One thing is needed. ”A heart full of compassion”. Let us pat ourselves as we all belong to such humanity zone.