Each individual of us have taken birth at one point of place, we call it as motherland. As a poet said mother and motherland both are equivalent to heaven. The fragrance of the soil of motherland cannot be ignored even we are grown and even we are far away. The land wishes us to reach heights but expects a little hug of love.
We all dream to do some sort of good and remarkable thing to the place where we are born. Really we must have this passion not only just to render service but also to prove our gratitude and connectivity with that particular place. Observing some needy who are just sinking and drowning in sorrow seas, our heart melts but this move stops in many occasions. Our LAASA will not allow you to stop with a sympathy status towards needy things of your birth place. Do share and tell what the care you wish to address. We, the foundation always ready to support your noble thought.
Our volunteer Mr.Korada ThrinadhaRao had identified a lady by name Mahalakshmamma leading a pathetic life with her two children without any male support at his birth place Lingalavalasa village, Srikakulam dist.
The fragrance of your contribution provided food to the hunger bellies under LAASA 100 day food project. Even gaining grain is a higher task to such kind of families. As the almighty showered his grace on us with a bit of prosperity and generosity, let us feed them and fill our hearts with true joy.