Have no thorn of hate in your mind, develop love towards everyone. Desire is a storm, greed is a whirlpool, pride is a precipice, attachment is an avalanche, egoism is a volcano. Keep these things away so that when you recite the name of god or do meditation, they do not disturb the equanimity.
Let love be enthroned in your heart. Then there will be sunshine and cool breezes and gurgling waters of contentment feeding the roots of faith.When the love enters, it generates selfless thoughts and manifests golden moments of service. A selfless deed of act rendered with love can be said as service.
With an intention of this kind, our volunteer Mr.Ch.Ramanaidu has identified a poor and meritorious inter student T.Jyothi studying at S.Kota, Vizianagarm Dist., AP. Her mother died and her father a daily wage labor unable to pay her college fee.
LAASA foundation decided to provide educational assistance to this needy student in a most loving way. Our objective is “not just observe- also serve”.