You cannot find permanent happiness with material things. But the satisfaction of helping others lasts for a life time. The efforts to find happiness in the faces of needy and poor will make us eternal. Everybody cannot give everything to every under privileged persons. But everybody can donate some thing to anybody. If this thought prevails in us, there will be no poverty or helplessness in world. Let’s try to find the happiness in everybody.
Our volunteer S.V.R.Naik tried to find happiness in the family of A.Kondala Rao who suffered from a massive cardiac arrest three months ago. Consequently he lost his meager job. He has wife, a daughter and an innocence elder brother to feed. As the sole bread winner became bed ridden, the family has become orphan and helpless.
Laasa came forward to provide them with 100 day food and nutrition programme. Our motive is to serve with a smile and to find a smile in the bereaved faces. Let the humanity prevail. God is not in the temples; he is there in the hearts of kind people; he is there in the veins of serving hands.