Ever and ever
Activity code : A00179
Project : Food and Nutrition (Including 100 day food program)
Volunteers : K.Rama Rao
Need : A poor HIV patient
LAASA’s assistance : Provided food provision under 100 day food project
Beneficiaries : P.Suryanarayana and his family
Location : Mobagam village, Srikakulam Dist.
True love is pure, selfless, and free from pride and is full of bliss. All worldly illusions are not real love. They are transient. The everlasting, love arises from the heart. How is it that man is unable to recognize such all pervading and ever existing love? It is because man’s heart today has become barren and is polluted. The heart is filled with all kinds of desires and there is no room in it for pure, unsullied love to enter. Only when the worldly illusions are expelled from the heart, that there will be room for real love to abide in it and to grow. Therefore, you should make your heart pure in order to see love. Love can be seen only by those who have a pure heart.
This sense of love is truly defined and practiced by LAASA. Love is the only thing which really keeps our mind in a satisfactory status. To attain this self satisfaction, our volunteer Mr.K.RamaRao has identified a deserving HIV patient P.Suryanarayana at Mobagam village, Srikakulam Dist. This needy person is struggling hard even for food. 5 members of this family is facing a dry time in all means and in all ways.
Any beneficiary of LAASA foundation is neither a relative nor a friend to our volunteers. Each person on this earth is deeply bonded with the bondage of love that is what we believe in. we the LAASA provided this needy family with food provisions under 100 day food project.
This service is very little. But the love and care which is shown is matchless. No one will stay forever on this globe, only the glory of love will sustain ever and ever