Duty of every individual is to render selfless service
Project:Basic Needs Assistance
Volunteer:Gundabala Mohan and KuruhuruPavani
Need:110 poor students without chappal
LAASA’s Solution:Provided basic needs assistance
Beneficiaries:Students of Mandal Parishad Upper Priamary School
Location:Peddapadu village, Srikakulam Dist., AP.
The first step is to understand the link that connects any two individuals. It is nothing but Love. It is on the basis of Love that the entire society is closely knit. What is a country? It is not the land but the society that makes a country or a nation. When the nation is prosperous and progresses with healthy growth, the needs of the individuals are also fulfilled. A society, a community or nation can be safe, secure and happy only when the individuals comprising it are mutually helpful and bound together in skilful and sincere service.
Our volunteers Gundabala Mohan and KuruhuruPavani has identified the students of Mandal Parishad Upper Primary School who were very poor and bearing the hot summer with bear feet. LAASA provided chappal to these 110 students at Peddapadu village, Srikakulam Dist., AP sponsored by a donor.
The individual is dependent on society. He or she is born, brought up and sustained by society. Therefore, it is the duty of every individual to render selfless service for promoting the common welfare of society.