Let go the ego


Project:Medical Assistance (Medicines &Hospitilization Aid)


Need:A poor cook suffering with blood circulation problem

LAASA’s Solution:Provided medical assistance


Location:Thotapalem Road, Srikakulam, AP.

It is the sense of dualism—of “mine” and “thine”—which accounts for all the joys and sor­rows, likes and dislikes, experienced by the hu­man being. This dualism is rooted in selfishness, which makes one think that as long as he or she is all right, it does not matter what happens to the world. Such a self-centred person, who regards body, wealth and family as all that matters, looks upon truth as untruth and the false as true. To get rid of this deep-seated malaise, men and women have to engage themselves in service. They have to realise that the body has been given not to serve one’s own interests but to serve others.

With such good thought of service in his mind, our volunteer BaratamSrinivasaRao has identified a poor cook AndhavarapuVenkataramana who is suffering with blood circulation. Due to the problem, his legs were swollen. He was advised by the doctors to use medicines and medicated stockings. LAASA provided medical assistance to this needy person living at Thotapalem Road, Srikakulam, AP.

Service is best built on the strong foundation of Tat twaṃasi. “That” and “This” are the same. “That” is “This”. “This” is “That”. There is no other. There is only One.