Code : A000549
Project : Educational Assistance
Volunteer : P Kurmarao
Benificiaries : Puccha Naveen , Thungada Kartik
Need : A Deserving student need education.
Location : Balliputuka , Narsipuram
Title : Matter of truth
An opportunity to be of some service to fellow-men comes to you as gift from god. Service taken up as spiritual discipline teaches fortitude. Receive the message which comes from the inner soul it really leads you to the most joyful lands LAASA promises that it is a matter of truth here is such activity where we rendered an educational process through our volunteer Mr. P Kurma rao.Puccha Naveen age-19 is a resident of balliputtuka village srikakulam district. he is studying BSC 2nd year and has no parents he is taking shelter in an orphanise he has need of rs 3500 college fee. Tangudu karthik age-17, is a resident of narsipuram village, srikakulam district. he is studying Inter 2nd year and he has no father his mother is working as a kuli. He is in great need of money to pay rs 2000 college fee. We the LAASA provided educational assistance to these very deserving students.
Have one step towards good the energy to move your feet is the love that one step will take several miles to reach the destiny of through humanity this is what LAASA admires …..we LOVE ALL AND SERVE ALL