Code : A000578
Project : Food & Nutrition Assistance
Volunteer : Kalivarapu prasad
Beneficiaries : Kanithi Sujatha
Need : A poor family need food & nutrition assistance
Location : pathapatnam
Title: Love is the bonding thing
Do not behave in such a way that people are vary of you ; be open without harmful eyes , lascivious ears , false tongue , foul minds and pernicious hands . Your eyes give you away easily; look upon all without guilt or lust. Speak to all, of all, with love and do all things with love with this very love. We LAASA rendered food & nutrition assistance service project through our volunteer Mr. kalivaarapu prasad. A poor and needy lady Kanithi. Sujatha, age. 33 years, living at Pathapatnam. Recently her husband died due to heatstroke and having 4 Daughters. No One take care about these needy families. Now this family position was very critical and needy for living. We provided food & nutrition assistance to this deserving family.
No one in this world is independent, by and large all the human beings are mutually depended on each other. The love is the bonding thing and care is the shield have this love by expressing you, must love everyone without any expectation this is at what LAASA admires..