Code : A000617
Project : Food & Nutrition Assistance
Volunteer : Korada Trinadharao
Beneficiaries : Patti Chinnarao, Patti Lakshmi
Need : A poor family need food & nutrition assistance
Location : pedda Baratam Veedhi Srikakulam
Title : In favor of poor
The receiver is always the divine your humanity is the worship your born not just yourselves. we have many things to be done infavor of poor and needy serve them with love, with what that we have and how that we can but never stop go ahead the world is waiting for you and for you love and your concern with this very concern. we rendered food & nutrition assistance service project through our volunteer Mr. korada trinadha rao. Patti chinnarao age -70 Patti Lakshmi (age-60 & blind) are residents of Srikakulam. P chinnarao worked as a watchman and now he lost his job as they are old they are not able to do any work and facing lot of difficulty even for food, as they have no one to take care we LAASA provided food provisions to the most deserving family.
The motto of service is to be taught to the children right from their childhood the sense of bothering the quality of caring must be in the taught process of any individual where the world will be more joyful with the contribution of love of all the people of this world we do this at LAASA ….