Code: A000694
Project: Food & Nutrition Assistance
Volunteer: Booorla Ramanamma
Beneficiaries: Rajana Ganappadu
Need: A poor man need Food & Nutrition Assistance
Location: Dammala Street, Srikakulam
Title: Help all
Helping a person will not necessarily change the world, but it will change the world the Each and every one of us within our own hearts has unlimited tremendous spiritual power. The essence of real religion is to access that incredible spiritual power and to express it in every aspect of our life. Then with a pure heart, we can overcome so many obstacles that seem …LAASA divine path is this with a keen note of these loving words we the LAASA foundation rendered food & nutrition assistance service project through our volunteer Mrs. Boorla Ramanamma
Rajana Ganappadu age 70 is a resident dammala street,srikakulam. He is physically Challenged earlier he used to beg and earn for his food. Now he is Unable to even beg because of his Physical disability and even struggling very hard to get Proper food, We LAASA Provide food and Clothing to this Deserving couple
There is no point to living life unless you make history and the best way to make history to help others let us help all by following the path of

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