CODE: A000709
PROJECT : Food & Nutrition Assistance
BENEFICIARY NAME : Padhatherdhapu lakshmipathi, Bhaskar Bariko
VOLUNTEER NAME : Sada Siva Pradhan
LOCATION : Sekharapuram, Chapara, Srikakulam
SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Food Support To 2 Deserving Families
padhatherdhapu lakshmipathi Age 50 is a resident of sekharapuram, charapa, Sklm. He is suffering from paralysis stoke where hand and eye are effected there are 5 family members who are in desperate need of Food. lakshnmipathi is begging for Livelihood and is in great need of food and our Support. bhaskar bariko age 6 is a resident of chapara village , srikakulam District . He is a bed-ridden patient and there are 4 Total members in family. we LAASA provided food Support under LAASA Food & Nutrition assistance service project to this most deserving Families. This activity is proposed by LAASA Volunteer Sada Siva Pradhan
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