CODE: A000719
PROJECT : Educational Assistance
BENEFICIARY NAME : Sasanapuri Sai Krishna
VOLUNTEER NAME : Jami MadhusudanaRao
LOCATION : Kaki Street, Srikakulam
SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Education Support To Very Deserving Student
seasanapuri saikrishna age 21 is a resident of kakistreet, srikakulam. He is studying his msc bio Science issue second year at sri satya sai institutue of higher learning at prasanthi nilyam campus, puttaparthi. His father sesanapuri jairam is a daily wage worker working in hotel. He is in great need of paying hostel feel for his final PG course .we LAASA to provided education support to this most deserving and bright student under Educational assistance service project t. This activity is proposed by LAASA Volunteer Jami Madhusudanrao.
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