A Flagship Project of LAASA Foundation

Food is the basic element for any life to sustain. As we all are aware of having good and nutrition food, but even today many downtrodden, poor and needy are struggling hard to lead their life with starving. We do come across such needy people in our surroundings. We, at LAASA, provide food, as a prime objective, to the needy, to the neglected old persons, to HIV, leprosy, cancer patients, to the physically challenged and to the deserving. Our Volunteers identify such needy in their surroundings, and place requests to the Foundation. Our vision is to provide food provisions to the most deserving, with love. The food provisions we provide here are not only qualitative but also highly nutritional. We initially provide these provisions, in lump sum, for 100 Days and depending upon the exigency, we will extend the benefit for some more time to the needy. Till date our ‘100 Days Food Project’ has been our Flagship Project.

Project Statistics




Aid Released



Medical Assistance Service Project

Activities Under The Project


CODE: A001377 PROJECT : Medical Assistance BENEFICIARY NAME : Ninala Vital VOLUNTEER NAME : Podagatlapalli Gopala Krishna LOCATION : Sanjeev Nagar, Vishalakshi Nagaram, Vishakapatnam SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Medical Support To Very Deserving Patient Ninala Vital Age 21 Y Is A Resident Of Sanjeev Nagar, Vishalakshi Nagaram, Vishakapatnam. He Was Badly Injured In A Serious Road Accident. His Body Right Portion Is Totally Damaged. He Had Undergone Many Surgeries As A Part Of Medical Treatment. His Father Is Working As A Daily Wage Labor In A Hotel. This Patient Is Highly Poor And Deserving, Facing Lot Of Difficulty Even For Medical Treatment. We LAASA Provided Medical Support to Very Deserving

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